Discover your joy body

Discovering our "joy body" means identifying the activities that bring us bliss and drop us into the present moment.

We are so much more than just our physical bodies. We are complex beings made up of thoughts, emotions, energy, and passions that bring us joy and allow us to tap into a flow state.

A joy body approach turns Richmond's urban oasis into a healing ground for our future generation. Our programs are designed to peel away the confinement of stressful home life situations and indoor institutions. We teach children to create their own trusty toolkit where creativity replaces anger and sadness, and connection with the natural world becomes a guidepost for happiness and resiliency.

Through yoga and movement practices, creative projects and nature immersion courses, we provide students with the learning ground to develop hobbies that activate their joy center early on, so they can breathe, create, move and learn with ease throughout their life.

Yoga & Mindfulness

L.O.C.A.L. Adventures offers yoga, mindfulness and movement for all ages. We teach students to access their mindfulness superpowers through engaging games and exercises. We instill the importance of stillness and how to harness the power of breath when situations get tough.

Our curriculum has proven to work in countless classrooms in Denver and Richmond. Students learn to address the whole body, diving into the physical, mental, emotional, energetic and joy center layers we all have as complex beings. Students are then be able to carry the practices they learn on their mats with them into the real world, developing a deeper awareness of how internal factors affect their external world and vice versa.


JRPS Explorers

In this wilderness immersion course, students develop a deep appreciation and awareness for our beautiful city of Richmond, including the James River and its surrounding park systems. We study maps, visit local parks, take mindful walks, play with paint in nature, investigate water sources and learn about the history of the James.

Building off of basic mindfulness techniques, we slowly expand outward to instill a larger awareness for how our actions impact our surrounding community and environment. Classes start out in the backyard of your school or neighborhood and then build up to field trips in various areas of Richmond’s expansive park system. Our partnerships with VA State Parks and Waterfront RVA provide us unique access to the James River and its surrounding park systems, as well as the best kayak and paddleboard instruction in town!

Mindful Art & Media

Designed specifically for middle and high school students, this course teaches students how to have a mindful, healthy relationship with social media and the internet. Through engaging media projects, creative storytelling, interactive workshops, and media literacy games, students will build a comprehensive toolkit of media skills. Aside from teaching students to navigate the digital landscape, this course also fosters a deeper sense of identity and self-expression, encouraging students to be the master of their own story in a digital age.

We currently offer programs in partnership with NextUp RVA, the Visual Arts center, Peter Paul Development Center, Boys and Girls Club Metro Richmond, Anna Julia Cooper School, Waterfront RVA and the James River Park System.

We have worked with the following schools: Anna Julia Cooper School, Albert Hill Middle School, Bellevue Elementary School, Binford Middle School, Chimborazo Elementary School, Collegiate School, Cristo Rey Richmond High School, Fairfield Elementary School, Henderson Middle School, Lucille Brown Middle School, Marsh Elementary School, and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.

Breathe, dance, draw, explore, connect, create.